Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Hot Springing It!

Bright and early on Monday, August 15th Cousin I and K meet us to head to Mt. Princeton Hot Springs! It's a gorgeous morning, blue skies and sunshine on the mountains! Cousin I brought his radios so we could walkie talkie back to each other alomg the way! It's about a 2 hour drive through ranches and mountains and curves and spectacular scenery! Had a quick view of Frog Rock! Potty stop at Wilkerson Pass to view the mountain range and get a peek at Mt. Princeton! At the Pass there was a visitor center where we got a close up view of lots of hummingbirds! What an amazing tiny creature! Before you know it we have arrived!

First stop, a Fish Hatchery! The kids marveled at the amount of rainbow trout! Each of us were given a giant bucket of fish food and went to town watching the trout scramble for food! Some of the fish even jumped clear out of the water!

Next stop: hot springs!!! The hot springs here are awesome! The best part about it is that you actually can lay in little pools in Chalk Creek! Chalk Creek is freezing but the hot springs are scalding! By moving around the rocks in the creek you can create your own happy medium. It is such a relaxing place as you lay in the hot water surrounded my mountain view and serenaded by the running water! peacefulness!!!!!

Lots of building and balancing with rocks as the kids (and adults) created rock sculptures and created dams to hold cold water back. We could have stayed here forever! And as the sign said, Natural Environment, Use Caution, we had to also do some rock climbing here! This place really is a dream come true.

Besides Chalk Creek there is a relaxation pool and other fun swimming pools.

Out of the blue, we had a close call with J1 as she almost passed out due to a combination of heat, high altitude, possible dehydration and who knows what? Thanks to our quick emergency response and her grabbing the table instead of falling on the concrete we saved J1! D had to carry her up to the car, feed her fluids and some food and within minutes she was fine. whew! Needless to say J1 has been drinking so much water now that we make many potty stops!!!

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